
Planning, according to business dictionary can be defined as a basic management function involving formulation of one or more detailed plans to achieve optimum balance of needs or demands with the available resources .The planning process identifies the goals or objectives to be achieved, formulates strategies to achieve them arrange and creates the means required.
According to Business Jargons planning is the fundamental management function which improves deciding beforehand what to be done when is it to be done, how it is to be done and who is going the action takes place.
Monitoring ,is the systematic prices of collecting analyzing and using information to track a programme's toward reaching its objectives and to guide management decisions .Monitoring is conducted after a programme has begun and contains through the programme implementation period.Frankel and Goge 2007
Evaluation is the systematic assessment of the activity project programme strategy policy topics theme sector operational area institutions performance. Evaluation focuses on expected and achieved accomplishments. Planning Dunn 2009 ,Frunkel and Gage 2007
Planning is the one of the most important aspect of management. A perfect plan can increase profit to their optimum levels. When it comes to making plans one must keep several things in mind .The followings are the components of planning based on monitoring and evaluation
Mission, this is the first component of planning, the mission of an organization basically dictates its fundamental purposes. It describes what exactly it wants to achieve .The mission may be either written or implicitly from the organization functioning. The mission statement describes who products and customers of a business are.
Objectives represent the end results which an organization aims to reach. We can refer to it as goals or targets. Not just planning but all functions of business management begin with the setting of objectives. Managers of a business should lay down their objectives clearly and precisely. They must consider their mission and values before setting their goals.
Policies is another important components of planning are basically statements of understanding or course of action. They guide the decision making proves for all activities of organization .Consequently they impose limits on the scope of decisions, policies should never be too rigid because the excessively limits functioning. Procedures is another important component of planning, they describes the most manner in which something has to be done. They basically guide actions for activities that manager and employees perform procedures also include step by step methods.
Budget are plans that express expected results in numerical terms. Whenever an organization expects to do something it can make a budget to decide on its target. Most activities targets and decisions require budgeting. For example an income budget shows expected financial results and profit .
Programme ,is nothing but the outline of a broad objective .It contains a series of methods procedures and policies that the organization needs to implement .In other words it includes many other component of planning for example a business may has a diversification programme.
Strategies refer to minute plans of action this aims to achieve specific requirements .Proper implementation of strategies leads to the achievement of the requisite goals .The nature of an organizations values and missions will determine how will strategize.
   So planning is very important to any project simply because through planning the certain project can be performed properly. Planning helps the certain people to complete the certain project at a specific time. Planning helps people to identify what needed at the certain projects and what should be done in order to complex at the specific time. Through planning the certain project will be performed properly .But planning in projects can be failed due to various reasons like lack of awareness few fund, embisornment, conflict at the certain area, miss location of projects and  lack of cooperation.


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