
Projects undertaken by VDOT vary in size, complexity, and risk; therefore, a one-size fits all approach
to project management is unsuitable. Hence, a project ranking system has been defined to group
projects by category based primarily on level of complexity and risk. The categorization of projects
allows for a statewide consistent approach to scheduling and to ensure that the appropriate
scheduling provision is applied. This is necessary to ensure that the appropriate level of scheduling
efforts needed to establish and maintain schedule control on the project is applied.
Project Category – Level of Complexity and Risk
The VDOT project ranking system consists of six categories representing varying levels of complexity
and risk ranging from very low to very high. Category M is the lowest, which represents typical
maintenance projects and schedule type work. Categories I through V represent typical construction
projects ranging from simple to very complex. Characteristics of each project category are described
as follows:
¾ Raised pavement marker installation, lens replacement;
¾ Pavement marking schedules;
¾ Minor Bridge repair (District wide, minor miscellaneous);
¾ Rumble strip installation;
¾ Slope slide repair, scour repair;
¾ Ground mounted sign maintenance/replacement;
¾ Incidental concrete repair;
¾ Pipe culvert rehabilitation;
¾ Bridge cleaning;
¾ Retaining wall/ Sound wall repair;
¾ Signal maintenance & repair (District wide).
C. Category M Scheduling Requirements – Category M scheduling requirements are based
on the basic scheduling information necessary for the Department to coordinate all work
required to complete the Contract and to communicate with the public. The schedule
information will also be used to plan for and manage the Department’s cash flow, resources,
and traffic. The Category M Schedule of Operations submission requirements are as follows:
i) An Initial Plan of Operations in the form of a written narrative to provide a
description of the overall plan and intended sequence of progress.
ii) An Initial Schedule of Operations showing in a tabular format, the period of time
within which work at each location, route, or segment of Work as delineated in the
contract will be accomplished. A bar-chart or CPM schedule may be substituted, at
the contractor’s option.
iii) Every week, on a day agreed to by the Contractor and the Engineer, the Contractor
is required to provide a Two-week Look-ahead (TWLA) schedule to show the detailed
schedule of work planned for the following two weeks. The TWLA schedule may be
provided in a tabular or bar-chart format.

v) Minimal traffic impact or limitations to the Work; and
vi) Does not include utility adjustments or relocations; and
vii) Contract does not contain any Special Provisions for special time-related conditions,
such as Interim Contract Milestones, A+B Bidding, Insensitive/Disincentive, or Lane
Rental; and
viii) Project has no major materials delivery restrictions, environmental impacts, delayed
right-of-way acquisitions or access, or other similar constraints and restrictions.
On a case by case basis, certain single-season simple and low risk projects with estimated
contract value greater than $1M that generally meet the criteria listed above may qualify as
Category I, as determined by the Area Construction Engineer (ACE);
On a case by case basis, certain Federal Oversight (FO) maintenance projects or time
sensitive maintenance projects with traffic impact may qualify as Category I, as determined
by the ACE. Such projects may include concrete pavement repairs or overlay work on major
corridors or certain relatively complex time sensitive maintenance projects that are involved
with major construction or improvement projects. In such cases, the ACE should consult with
the State Construction Scheduler for concurrence.
B. Examples of Category I Projects – The following are typical Category I projects:
¾ Retaining wall installation or extensive repair;
¾ Minor bridge substructure repairs (with traffic impact);
¾ Bridge painting (multiple locations or with traffic impact);
¾ Minor urban reconstruction & improvement (could include curb & gutter and
sidewalks; new or extended turn lanes);
¾ Surface reclamation, sub-grade stabilization & overlays;
¾ Bridge steel repair (with traffic impact);
¾ Signal installation – Site specific (w/o intersection improvements, no regional on-call
¾ Overhead sign installation & lighting installations (multiple locations & or significant
amount of lighting);
¾ Simple concrete pavement repair and/or asphalt overlay (major corridor, minimum
traffic impact).
C. Category I Scheduling Requirements – Category I scheduling requirements are based
on the basic scheduling information needed to communicate the Contractor’s work plan and
to assess progress of the Work. The schedule information will also be used to plan for and
manage the Department’s resources, expenditures, traffic, as well as to communicate with
the general public. The Category I Progress Schedule submission requirements are as
i) A written Baseline Progress Schedule Narrative describing the contractors initial
proposed sequence and work plan.
ii) A Baseline Progress Schedule showing in a tabular format, the times within which the
individual activities that make up the project will be accomplished. A bar-chart or
CPM schedule may be substituted, at the contractor’s option.
iii) A Progress Earnings Schedule (Form C-13C) to show the planned progress for each
month in terms of percent complete. Percent complete is based on cumulative
anticipated earnings relative to the total contract value.
iv) A two-week look-ahead schedule due every week to show the detail schedule for
work planned for the following two weeks.
v) A revision of the Baseline Progress Schedule is required when the schedule has been
significantly impacted by a change in the Work or condition or the contractor has
deviated significantly from his baseline plan or schedule.

A. Criteria for Category II Projects – Category II projects must generally meet the following
i) Contract duration of one construction season or less (may be two construction
seasons, but involve simple linear or repetitive operations); or
ii) Estimated contract value generally less than $3 million; and
iii) Limited number of straightforward contiguous or linear operations; and
iv) Low to medium traffic impact; and
v) Typical conditions and limitations to the work; and
vi) May include minimal utility adjustments; and
vii) Contract does not contain Special Provisions for special time-related conditions, such
as Contract interim milestones, Incentives/Disincentives, A+B bidding, or Lane
Rental, etc.; and
viii) Project has no major materials delivery restrictions, environmental impacts, right-ofway
acquisitions, or other similar constraints and restrictions.
On a case by case basis, certain slightly complex and low to medium risk projects with
estimated contract value over $3M that generally meet the criteria listed above may qualify
as Category II, as determined by the ACE.
On a case by case basis, certain high-volume Federal Oversight (FO) maintenance projects or
relatively complex maintenance projects that involve multiple items of work, multiple
schedule constraints, or significant traffic impact may qualify as Category II, as determined
by the ACE. Such projects may include concrete pavement repairs or overlay work on major
corridors or certain relatively complex time sensitive maintenance projects that are involved
with major construction or improvement projects. In such cases, the ACE should consult with
the State Construction Scheduler for concurrence.
B. Examples of Category II Projects –
The following are typical Category II projects: ¾ Urban grade, drain, & pave projects of low to medium complexity, ¾ Rural new construction or reconstruction grade separation roadway and bridge projects (low to medium size and complexity), ¾ Complex reconstruction and improvements, including widening and multiple turn lanes that may include utility adjustments and ¾ Major bridge substructure repairs (with low to medium traffic impact).
¾ Bridge deck replacements, such as multi-span or over railroads;
¾ Major bridge deck repair & concrete overlay (multi-span or over railroads);
¾ Intersection improvements with lighting and/or signal installation;
¾ Bridge & drainage structure replacements (frequently single span with limited
approach work);
¾ Major drainage improvements;
¾ Complex concrete pavement repair and/or asphalt overlay (major corridor, significant
traffic impact);
¾ Multi-season bridge painting (with low to medium traffic impact).
C. Scheduling Requirements for Category II – As the amount of work, project duration, or
level of complexity and associated risks increases, a scheduling tool that can graphically
depict the sequence and timing of the activities in a time-scale format is required to
effectively communicate the Contractor’s plan of operations and the intended sequence of
progress. The Category II Progress Schedule submission requirements are as follows:
i) A written Baseline Progress Schedule Narrative describing the contractors initial
proposed sequence and work plan.
ii) A Baseline Progress Schedule showing in a bar-chart format, the times within which
the individual activities that make up the project will be accomplished. A CPM
schedule may be substituted, at the contractor’s option.
iii) A Progress Earnings Schedule (Form C-13C) to show the planned progress for each
month in terms of percent complete. Percent complete is based on cumulative
anticipated earnings relative to the total contract value.
iv) A monthly update of the Progress Schedule and Progress Earnings Schedule is
required to show the actual progress and the current plan to complete the remaining
v) A revision of the Baseline Progress Schedule is required when the schedule has been
significantly impacted by a change in the Work or condition or the contractor has
deviated significantly from his baseline plan or schedule.

A. Criteria for Category III Projects – Category III projects must generally meet the
following criteria:
i) Med-size projects with contract duration generally spanning 2-3 construction
seasons; or
ii) Estimated contract value generally between $3M and $10M; and
iii) Limited number of concurrent work-paths; and
iv) Medium limitations to the work and traffic impact; and
v) Limited number of utility adjustments; and
vi) Contract does not contain Special Provisions for special time-related conditions, such
as Contract interim milestones, Incentives/Disincentives, A+B bidding, or Lane
Rental, etc.; and
vii) Project has no major materials delivery restrictions, environmental impacts, right-ofway
acquisitions, or other similar constraints and restrictions.
On a case by case basis, certain moderately complex and medium risk projects with
estimated contract value over $10M that generally meet the criteria listed above may qualify
as Category III, as determined by the ACE.
On a case by case basis, certain high-volume Federal Oversight (FO) maintenance projects or
relatively complex maintenance projects that involve multiple items of work, multiple
schedule constraints, and/or significant traffic impact may qualify as Category III, as
determined by the ACE. Such projects may include major concrete pavement repairs or
overlay work on major corridors or certain relatively complex time sensitive maintenance
projects that are involved with major construction or improvement projects. In such cases,
the ACE should consult with the State Construction Scheduler for concurrence.
B. Examples of Category III Projects –
The following are typical Category III projects: ¾ Intersection improvements, including widening and multiple turn lanes with utilities, lighting and/or signal installation (with medium complexity and traffic impact), ¾ New roadway/bridge construction or extension projects (medium size, complexity, and traffic impact), ¾ Bridge deck replacements (multi-span, medium traffic impact) and ¾ Bridge reconstruction/widening projects (medium size, complexity, and trafficimpact).
C. Scheduling Requirements for Category III – As the number of operations or level of
complexity and associated risks grow a scheduling tool that allows for adequate planning and
scheduling of multiple concurrent activities with considerations for associated project
constraints is needed to execute and control the Work. Such scheduling method will require
that sufficient details and activity relationships are added to establish inter-dependencies
between related activities to form network paths, with which the activities are scheduled.
This is necessary to aid the project staff in efficiently planning and managing the Work and
available resources. It is also necessary that the project critical path and the minimum time
needed to complete the project are established. The Category III Progress Schedule
submission requirements are as follows:
i) A Preliminary Progress Schedule to provide a start-up schedule to execute and
monitor the Work for the first sixty (60) calendar days.
ii) A written Baseline Progress Schedule Narrative describing the contractors initial
proposed sequence and work plan.
iii) A Baseline Progress Schedule showing in a CPM format, the times within which the
individual activities that make up the project will be accomplished.
iv) A Baseline Progress Earnings Schedule (Form C-13C) to show the planned progress
for each month in terms of percent complete. Percent complete is based on
anticipated earnings relative to the total contract value.
v) A monthly update of the Progress Schedule and Progress Earnings Schedule is
required to show the actual progress and the current plan to complete the remaining
vi) A revision of the Baseline Progress Schedule is required when the schedule has been
significantly impacted by a change in the Work or condition or the contractor has
deviated significantly from his baseline plan or schedule.

relative complexity that include provisions for special time-related constraints or conditions as
described below.
A. Criteria for Category IV Projects – Category IV projects must generally meet the
following criteria:
i) Medium to large size projects with contract duration generally spanning 3 or more
construction seasons; or
ii) Estimated contract value generally between $10M and $75M; or
iii) Contract contain Special Provisions for special time-related conditions, such as
Contract interim milestones, Incentives/Disincentives, A+B bidding, or Lane Rental,
etc.; and
iv) Multiple concurrent work-paths; and
v) Complex construction staging, phasing, or MOT issues; and
vi) Complex constructability issues; and
vii) Substantial traffic impact and limitations to the work; or
viii) May include major utility relocation/adjustments; and
ix) Project has no major materials delivery restrictions, environmental impacts, right-ofway
acquisitions, or other similar constraints and restrictions.
On a case by case basis, certain relatively complex and high risk projects with estimated
contract value less than $10M that generally meet the criteria listed above may qualify as
Category IV, as determined by the ACE. In such cases, the ACE should consult with the State
Construction Scheduler for concurrence.
On a case by case basis, certain relatively complex and high risk projects with estimated
contract value over $75M that generally meet the criteria listed above may qualify as
Category IV, as determined by the ACE.
B. Examples of Category IV Projects projects: ¾ Major urban intersection improvements, including widening and multiple turn lanes with utilities, lighting and/or signal installation (medium to large size, complex, and significant traffic impact), ¾ Rural/Urban new construction or reconstruction grade separation roadway and bridge projects (medium to large size, complex, major corridor), ¾ Major bridge deck replacements (substructure repairs, multi-span, multi-lane, major corridor, with significant traffic impact) and ¾ Major bridge & drainage structure replacements (multi-span with extensive approach work).
¾ Major widening projects (medium to large size and complexity, major corridor, with
significant traffic impact).
C. Scheduling Requirements for Category IV – As the size, complexity, and associated
risks grow, a scheduling tool that allows for adequate planning and scheduling of multiple
concurrent operations is needed to execute and control the Work. For such projects, a tool
that allows for an accurate assessment of the reasonableness of the schedule and current
status of the activities and the project based on costs is also needed to control the project
and to manage schedule-related risks on the project. The Category IV scheduling and
Progress Schedule submission requirements are based on the Category III requirements with
additional requirements as described below:
i) A Preliminary Progress Schedule to provide a start-up schedule to execute and
monitor the Work for the first ninety (90) calendar days.
ii) A written Baseline Progress Schedule Narrative describing the contractors initial
proposed sequence and work plan.
iii) A cost-loaded Baseline Progress Schedule showing in a CPM format, the times within
which the individual activities that make up the project will be accomplished. The
cost-loaded schedule will be used to generate the time-distributed cost data on
which the Progress Earnings Schedule is based.
iv) A Baseline Progress Earnings Schedule (Form C-13CPM) based on time-distributed
cost data generated from the cost-loaded schedule to show the planned progress for
each month in terms of percent complete. Percent complete is based on anticipated
earnings relative to the total contract value.
v) A 30-day look-ahead schedule to depict work planned for the next period.
vi) A monthly update of the Progress Schedule is required to show the actual progress
and the current plan to complete the remaining work.
vii) A revision of the Baseline Progress Schedule is required when the schedule has been
significantly impacted by a change in the Work or condition or the contractor has
deviated significantly from his baseline plan or schedule.

A. Criteria for Category V Projects – Category V projects must generally meet the following
i) Very large projects with contract duration generally spanning 3 or more construction
seasons; or
ii) Estimated contract value generally greater than $75M; and
iii) Contract contain Special Provisions for special time-related conditions, such as
Contract interim milestones, Incentives/Disincentives, A+B bidding, or Lane Rental,
etc.; and
iv) Considerable number of concurrent work-paths; and
v) Complex construction staging, phasing, or MOT issues; and
vi) Complex constructability issues; and
vii) Substantial traffic impact and limitations to the work; and
viii) Substantial number of right-of-way acquisitions and/or relocations; or
ix) Major material delivery restrictions; or
x) Significant utility relocation/adjustments; or
xi) Major environmental or community impact.
On a case by case basis, certain relatively complex and very high risk projects with estimated contract value less than $75M that generally meet the above listed criteria may qualify as Category V.
 as determined by the ACE. In such cases, the ACE should consult with the State
Construction Scheduler for concurrence.
B. Examples of Category V Projects –

On a case by case basis, certain relatively complex and very high risk projects with estimated contract value less than $75M that generally meet the above listed criteria may qualify as Category V.
The following are typical Category V projects: ¾ Major rural/urban new construction or reconstruction grade separation roadway and bridge projects (large size, complex, major corridor, significant traffic impact), ¾ Major widening projects (large size, complex, major corridor, significant traffic impact), ¾ Major interchange projects (large size, complex, major corridor, significant traffic
impact), ¾ Major bridge deck replacement projects (large size or multiple bridges, complex,major corridor, significant traffic impact).

¾ Individual Category III or IV level projects that are included in multiple-contract
mega-projects like Woodrow Wilson, Springfield Interchange, etc.).
C. Scheduling Requirements for Category V – As the size, complexity, and associated risks
grow, a scheduling tool that will allow for adequate planning and scheduling of multiple
concurrent operations, projects, manpower, equipment, and expenditures is required to
accomplish the Work. Such scheduling tool should also allow for an accurate assessment of
the status of the individual activities and the project; as well as progress of selected major
operations that will have the greatest influence on the schedule.
The Category V scheduling and Progress Schedule submission requirements are based on the
Category IV requirements with additional requirements as described below:
i) A qualified and dedicated project scheduler/coordinator to coordinate all scheduling
meetings and issues.
ii) Contractor’s working on a Category V project will be required to develop and
maintain their schedules in a collaborative environment within the VDOT scheduling
iii) A written Baseline Progress Schedule Narrative describing the contractors initial
proposed sequence and work plan.
iv) A Preliminary Progress Schedule to provide a start-up schedule to execute and
monitor the Work for the one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days.
v) A cost-loaded and resource-loaded Baseline Progress Schedule showing in a CPM
format, the times within which the individual activities that make up the project will
be accomplished. The cost-loaded schedule will be used to generate the timedistributed
cost data on which the Progress Earnings Schedule is based.
vi) A Baseline Progress Earnings Schedule (Form C-13CPM) based on time-distributed
cost data generated from the cost-loaded schedule to show the planned progress for
each month in terms of percent complete. Percent complete is based on anticipated
earnings relative to the total contract value.
vii) A Commodity Progress Report (Form C-13COM) to show the anticipated progress of
selected items of work, whose rate of progress will have the greatest influence on
the schedule.
viii) A weekly four-week look-ahead schedule detailing work planned for the next four
ix) A monthly update of the Progress Schedule is required to show the actual progress
and the current plan to complete the remaining work.
x) A revision of the Baseline Progress Schedule is required when the schedule has been
significantly impacted by a change in the Work or condition or the contractor has
deviated significantly from his baseline plan or schedule.


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