England faced increasing pressure to p to produce more manufactured goods due to 18 century population explosion where by England's population nearly over the course of the country. And the industry most important in the rise of England as an industrial nation was cotton textile. Who other industry can be said to have advanced so far so quickly although the (putting out system). Cottage industry was lords well developed across the continent. It was full developed in England a merchant would delivered raw cotton at a house hold the cotton would be cleaned and spinned into yern or thread after apriod of time. The merchant would return pick up the yern and drop off more raw cotton the merchant would them take the spen to another house hold where it was woken into cloth the system worked fairly well except under the growing pressure of demand the putting out system could no longer keep up. Therefore the following are the impact of scintific discoveries on industrial production as:-
- Increase the productive capacity of the cotton industry; the reall break through come with development in steam power developed in England by Thomas saver and Thomas new comon with development in system power. Were used to pump water from cial mines.
- The water frame required large specialization mills employing hundred of workers; most of those early industries were situated next River and steam (source of power) this water freme normally depending much power to produce good through water so through water frame production increased different from the various time and people employing are all that have specialized to operate the machine to produce good. In England many people employing in that industry during that period so that water frame depends much from water that they located in the river side.
- It led to development of Infrastructure; example road, port as well as railway were developed so in order to expand of industry it need transportation of raw materials and goods to difference place so difference canal , roads and railway were build in order to simplify the transportation such raw material from one place to another.
- Promote the emergence of financial institution; due to emergence of scientific discover it lead to the development of money economy and due to this there was the need of having financial institution special for keeping their money because in that time many people especially traders they was introducing alot of money. So due to this it lead financial institution to be emerged example of the institution is Bank.
- Increase of population; scientific innovation in industrial production contributed to the increase of ndustrial goods which attracted people migrate from their home land to the industrial area for the different purpose such as business purpose and looking for employment. And those people who settled near the industrial area become as the source of market.
- Introduction of scientific research; after the scientific discovery in that time many scientific they were influenced to make the research about different scientific innovation for example of scintific researchers would be combined as Thomas new comon ni 1705 introduce the research about the discovery of steam engine and after that James walter steam Engine to replace human muscles house or water power, in 1769, James walt relended the steam engines an in effects created a new about the flying shuttle in 1733 in Lancashire invented to a picking al peg a single Weaver, using one hand could operate the shuttler.
- Cotton goods become much cheaper and we bought by all social classes cotton is miracle fiber; it is easy to clean spin weave and dye and is confatable to weave.
- Improve the (spinning) if cotton; the first solution to this bottle were appeared around 1765 when faines their greaves invested his cotton spinning jinny. Due to that led simplify the spinning process because before discovery machine people use traditional Method for spinning cotton and this system use a lot of time to finish tax but after discover machine use simple method for spinning cotton helped to coplite spinning for short time through that leds to produce more goods due to discovering of machine.
- Growth of town and cities; due to sientific discovery of industries different activities were take place like trade, due to the availability of commodities from the industries example clothes, shoes and others. Also this discovery of industry led to the increase of population in which most of traders invested in trade activities in many town and cities like Lancashire, Liverpool, Manchester, Yorkshire and Nighatan were developed due to scientific discovery of industry.
- Dehumanization; the scientific revolution in industrial production it led to the Dehumanization to the masses of workers in industries. Most of the workers especially the group of women and children were badly treated. They were worked for long hours their wages is too low. They were lived in poor condition as well as poor working condition. This is because of scientific discoveries in industrial production.
- Unemployment: is a measure of the prevalence of unemployment and its calculated as a percentage by during the number of unemployed individuals by all individuals currently in labour force. During period of recession, an economy usually experience as relatively high unemployment rate. Unemployment occur when a person who is actively searching for employment is enabled to find work.
- It led to the injuries and dealth of people; the most of people especially women and children who employed to operated the machines in the industry were have low knowledge and skills on how to use modern machine and poor controlling thus issues led to cutes some of parts of organ such as hands,legs through this accident most of them were not given treatment the pain were are when accerated to dealth.
- The rise of working class movement; these occurred after scientific revolution that bring into the intrusion of factories he need the munimonization of human labour to be replaced by machine as many workers were exploited and humiliated by the system, hence leads to confutation between industry owner and workers. 
- The spinning jelly and water freme pollution in the land, people and the air, this happen when people worked in production many dust in air that led many people affected because their no care provided by the workers by the time being and also this pollution led pollution in the water because polluted water in located in water and another pollution in air pollution that caused by the dust that produced by this two scientific innovation.
- The Spinning Jenny and water freme also led to failed of cottage industry, cottage industry after discover of two innovation led demise of cottage industry because people starting to use high technology like machine that used to pump water from river to the industry through this led demise of cottage industry.
Generally scientific discoveries in industries during 17 century and 18 century was facilitate the production of goods in industries which leads more availability of cotton in society also scientific discoveries it lead development of Infrastructure, increase of employment opportunity because large number of people were getting employment.

Author Norman Lowe 1984 Mastering Modern British History Published.
. Baines, Edward (1835). History of the cotton manufactured in Great Britain; London: H. Fisher,R. Fisher, and P. Jackson
. Marsden. Richard 1884. Cotton Spinning: its development, principles and Practice. George Bell and Sons 1903. Retrieved 2009 - 04 - 26.
. Epinasse, Francis (1874). Lancashire worthies. London: Sinmpkin, Marshall, and Co. Retrieved 2010 - 12 - 01


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