Social planner
Social planner is a
decision maker who attempts to achieve the best result for all parties involved
in neclassical welfare economic this means the maximizing of social welfare
planning is the process of planning socil services, program , services and
policies so planner gets a challenge during the building community development so
this are the challenge facing social planner in community which are:-
Lack of manpower this is are one
challenges that facing the social planner
needs to start activities in the village also need to be active who will assist
him in work thus , due to the difficulties that befell them in the village the
labor force was reduced so he will be able to find a workforce that will be
able to support him in this work so he will not have the challenge finding another
employee or his plan may fail
Lack of cooparation forexample the planner neess to start
something forexample he want to educate people on how to conerve the environment
and also create a place where people can save their waste material due to
absence of cooparation in the area he will fail to develop the plan.and people
will not help in maintaining the environment possible due to lack of education
or people not ready to do the work that they have been told
Concondusive invironment this also is the
challenge faving planner forexample the planner has initiated the planting the
cassava seedlings in the naliendele village so becoouse of village climate is
very cool and its activities required a worm climate does not have the capacity
tl overrid its establishment of cassava seedlings due to weather condition that
are not available in the area
Language barriers this also a major challenge that the planner
gets when carrying out their activities forexample planner wants to educate
people about HIV infection and how to prevent it so he does no have to explain
the people , the problem due to the lack of misunderstanding he planner will
fail forexampl the planner uses
kiswahili language but the local people used other language that they cannot
understand one other and he must use the native languaage will be difficult for
him which will result in this failure in this plan
Political factors forexample die to the
mult party system the planner will fail to complete itsplans forexample planner he want to arrange toilet in the area
of mikindani due to fact that he has a party ideology , planning will be able
to do in jobs in the absence of the coompration of the people of mikindan .so
this challenge it imfluence the planner to fail in this plans
Leadership forexample planner needs to
educate people on modern productr so the government has to help to educating
people to innovating in training so planner fails to continue training becouse
of the shortage of people trained in the area and thus find it .should be find
additional peoplw he can find and train
Inadequtes material and facilities also this
are the also challenge facing social planner forexample planner planning to
make hospital building or openiring a building needs equipment that will assist
him in his activities develop due to the
local equipment he usesbin the whole process his wii lead him to work for long
period of time or fail to completely and becouse of local equilment and few
equipment also have long term equipment
Budjet , forexample
planner preparesq shilling 50000 for
work , equipment which he has planned for
but not rising or due to other issue
occour without a plan so this influence planner to Fail to get other things which
influence to fail to fulfill his set
goals so this also are the challenge social planner
Understaffing an event is common event problem planner plan something after plan to work
after work pending response but the result is different and the job he needed
so it becomes a challenge for planner to start working again so this is a waste
of time becouse he goes back to doing it so this also are the challenge facing
a social planner
Not priorting networking
activities is an event challenge for the planner becouse same planner is using the internet in their work and also also using the internet
to take care of their work So potential
problem of the web problem is not visible to the document so this presents a
challenge the planner and failed to work in a timely manner so you have to wait
until the time is right
Forgetting to track
schedule also this is a challenge for
planner forexample his daily schedule it to work from 4 to 8pm but it can lead
to forgetting his job and moving on the something else so this leading to
challenges that can lead to infuluence challenge that will result in him
completing his planned task
Lack of real world work
experience can be an event challenge also this challenge arises with planner
forexample some planner may not be able to work in the community forexample
dealing with education issue in a patrticular village or are so planner
may be challenged to deal with problems that arise
Over programing your event schedule is a
problem forexample a community development
officer organizes a meeting for his people about how to make hygiene in their
environment one day to take action this can
be a challenge for him becouse either people did not receive imformation
earlier so they would be unable to do the clean
Having more guests or
attendees than you planned for is an
event mistake, forexamplen aplanner is going to start to building toileties in
a particular area and in the process there will be workers you will need for
the job that well be establishment also
will have employees that you will for their job as well as those imployeer will
pay them planner decided that each
employeer will pay him2000 shilling but
people would come more than he was
thinking so the work would stop due to a
short fall so this also challenge facing
social planner
Not comfirming your
vendors can be an event mistak this challenge come on how a planner preparea course that he is going to teach people my be how to care
for fish so the planner gives announcement
that will explain when the event will take place so the planner is required to provide
emphasis and remind the people imediately
if you do not encourage the people to indulge in such training the capacity of the people to exploit wil be less
that what you have done so will be a challenge for the planner
There fore this are the
challenge that getting social planner so planners should be to doing research
before planning things becouse same planner planning something before doing
research so plan will going to fail so should be to know challenge facing area
or something planning before planning
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