This study examined cases, impact and solution of early marriage among secondary schools students in Mtwara rural district
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This is dedicated to my parents Mr&MrsMussa for
encouraging me much, I real appreciate them a lot, May the Almighty God bless
First of all I would like to thanks the my God for his endless love support and strong
health that enable me to write this Research. I would also like to thanks my
parentsmr&mrsMussa and my whole family members who used most of their time
to encourage and supporting me to make sure that I achieve and reach this level
of education. May true happiness enfold them and strengthen their lives.
I would also like to extend my great thanks to my
lecturer for his assistance and direction of leading me on how this Research
should be written and how should appear to the standard for the award of the
bachelor degree. I pray for him. Also I would like to thanks all people who
supported me for typing this work my God bless them.
This study examined cases, impact and solution of
early marriage among secondary schools students in Mtwara rural district.The study was guided by three specific
objectives namely; to examine the causes of early marriage among secondary
schools students inMtwara rural
district, to analyse effects of early marriage among secondary schools
students inMtwara rural district,and
to explore solutions to early marriage among secondary schools students inMtwara rural district.The study
employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data were collected
using interview, focus group discussion and questionnaires. The population
sample of the study comprised fifty (50) respondents, categorized into five
parents, six teachers, two discipline masters, thirty four students, two head
teachers and one district educational officer
Table of
1.0 Introduction
chapter represents introduction of the study that include the background to the
problem, statement of the problem, research objectives, research questions,
significance of the study, limitations scope and definition of key terms
1.1 Background to the Problems
(2012) describes child marriage as a human rights violation and a practice that
undermines efforts to promote sustainable development. In the last decade,
child marriage affected 58 million girls, many of whom were married against
their will and in violation of international laws and conventions. In
actuality, child marriage is a violation of human rights, compromising the
development of girls and often resulting in early pregnancy and social
isolation, with little education and poor vocational training reinforcing the
gendered nature of poverty (Nuruddin, 2005).
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.3.1 Main Objective
main objective of this study is to assess the factors influencing early
marriage among secondary school students.
1.3.2Specific Objective
To examine causes contributing to early marriage among secondary school
To analyze effects of early marriage among secondary school students.
To explore solutions to early marriage among secondary school students.
1.4Research Questions
Research Questions of this study will be;
What are the factors contributing to early marriage among secondary school
What are the effects of early marriage among secondary school students?
What are the solutions to early marriage among secondary school students?
1.5. Significance of the Study
study will help to educate girls on the consequences of early Marriage, on
educational attainment and also the significant negative emotional and social
consequences of sexual activities leading to secondary school girls early
marriage in order for coming girls to benefit.
1.6 Limitation of the study.
researcher anticipates some challenges that in one way or another will face
during the conduction of data collection, includes language barriers and financial
1.7. Scope of the Study.
study will be conducted at Mtwara district and it will intend to make an
assessment on the factors influencing early marriage among secondary school
students specifically in Mayanga ward and Ziwani ward.
1.8. Definition of the Key Term
Persons who are equal to one another in rank, age, status, or merit.
marriage: is defined as the marriage or union between two people in which one
or both parties are younger than 18 years of age.
2.1Theoretical Review
study will be guided by the theory of change propagated by Chen et al in 1950s.
The centre for the theory of change (2013) defines Theory of Change is a
specific and measurable description of a social change initiative that forms
the basis for strategic planning, on-going decision-making and evaluation.
2.2Related Literature Review
(1998) research on school early Marriage Latin America has also shown that
there is a relation of high proportion of secondary school girls marriagedue to
poor exposure to sexual and reproductive health education and to family
planning services among secondary school girls. In Africa, studies have
demonstrated that a large proportion of secondary school girls in Uganda and
Nigeria are exposed to the risk of conception as the result of receive poor
sexual and reproductive health education.
2.3 Research Gap
to the review of literature of various studies in different places by different
researchers that has been exploring different the factors influencing early marriage
among secondary school students. However, having given different environmental
and situational socio-economic, law and policies, cultural and beliefs aspects,
this study reveals there is of lack of knowledge in issues concern with effect
of early marriage to parents and girls. Therefore, the study will be conducted
to determine the factors influencing early marriage among secondary school
3.0 Introduction
this chapter it will describe about the research methodology. This chapter will
includestheresearch approach, research design, study area, sample size,
sampling procedure and techniques, methods of data collection, data process and
analysis, sampling design, and questionnaire.
3.1. Research Approach
study will going to use mixed Research Approach, which is explained as the
procedures of collecting analysingand mixing both qualitative and quantitative
in a single study to understand a research problem(Cresswell,2005).This
approach will be used because the study will combine both qualitative and
quantitative methods
3.2 Research Design
study will be design to collect information about on the factors influencing
early marriage among secondary school students in Mayanga ward and Ziwani ward
in Mtwara rural district. Given the nature of the study quantitative and
qualitative research design would be employed in the study. This design will
help the researcher to reach in different areas in searching data during data
3.3 Study Area.
(2004) Area of the study is the area where the research is conducted. The study
will be conducted in Mtwararural district in Tanzania. Mtwararural district
will be chosen because it is one of the Tanzanian districts where early
marriage among Secondary School Students is still cherished by most of the
community members.
3.4 Target Population
D. (2009), argue that population is a group of an individual or objects or
items from which samples are taken for measurements. The total of 50
respondents will be used as the target population for this study in particular
includes 6 teachers, 2 discipline masters, 34 students, 5 parents, 1 District
educational officer and 2 of schools.
3. 5. Sample Size
sample size of 50 respondents who are 6 teachers, 2 discipline masters, 2
headmasters, 1 district educational officer, 34 students and 5 parents. Both
male and female. However in this study the researcher adopted Kothari's
approach of determining the sample size of which 10% were drawn from the
targeted population which were 500 of 10% = 50.
3.6 Method of data collection.
to the nature of Mtwararural district and research topic, data will be
collected through Questionnaire, interview and Focus group discussion.
3.6.1 Questionnaires
is the tools of data collection which includes a list of questions which are
distributed to the people concerned with a particular topic with a request to
answer the questions (Kothari, 2004). The questionnaire both close ended and
open ended questions will use option such as Yes or no. Questionnaires will be
used because it will require less time and moneywhich will enable the research
to collect information easy from the field.
3.6.2 Interview.
to face interviewInterview method involves presentation of oral-verbal stimuli
and reply in terms of oral-verbal responses. This study will employ
face-to-face interview during data collection, this is because it requires a
person known as the interviewer asking questions generally in face-to-face
contact to the other person or persons. Focus grouped discussionKombo and
Tromp, (2006) define focus group discussion as a special type of group in terms
of its purpose, size, composition and procedures.
3.7. Data processing and analysis
data will be processed and analysed accurately. Data processing and analysis
will be done after the researcher got information from the field. The
researcher will employ both qualitative and quantitative data processing and
analysing. Qualitative data will be analysed mainly by using content analysis.
3.8 Data Presentation Techniques
data that will be collected from the field will be presented through
descriptive statistics, chart, tables and graphs and computer program such as
Microsoft excel that will be helpful in the presenting the data for the further
4.0 Introduction
chapter deals with the data presentation, analysis and interpretation of
findings concerning with the Factors influencing early marriage among secondary
Schools students. Data are presented basing on the specific objectives and
research questions.
4:1 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
data were collected through interviews, focus groups discussion and questionnaires
whereby the total sample size consist of 50 respondents including 34 students,
6 teachers, 5 parents, 1 educational officer, 2 discipline masters and 2 head
teachers from Mayanga secondary school and Ziwani secondary school within the
Mtwara rural district.
4.2: Causes contributing to early marriage among secondary
schools students.
1. Cultural
data through questionnaire shows that, 15 respondents mention this point as the
factor to be the causative for the students to engage in early marriage which
make a total of 30% and one of the head of school in interview said thatJando
and Unyago are the influence to the most students to engage themselves in early
marriage while they are at school.
2. Lack
of sex education
parents do not give sex education their children on the impacts of being
married early and how to protect themselves from the problems, so parents
should spend much on their time teaching their children on the impacts of early
4.3 Effects influencing early marriage among secondary
schools students.
1. Early
students specifically girls they did not continue with studies when they got
pregnancy and involve themselves much in careering their children."Eearly
pregnancies have an impact of early marriage for secondary school students.
2. Spread
of disease
who engage in early marriage can be affected by various sexual transmitted
diseases such as HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhoea and others hence affect their
academic learning and performance.
3. Poor
who do engage in early marriage they are likely to perform poor since they
concentrate much their feelings to their partners rather than concentrating in
studies as the result led to loss of memory on academic matter hence lead to
poor performance.
4.4 Solutions for early marriage among secondary schools
1. Provision
of sex education
lack education about the body changes during puberty and adolescent period, so
parents should give sex education to their children so as to solve the problem
of students’ involving in early marriage.
2. Establishment
of strictly laws
government should amend strict laws for both students themselves and those who
are not students but they seduce students to have sex relationship with them.
3. Provision
of guidance and counseling
in secondary school must be given guidance and counselling about sexual issues
while they are in adolescent stage.” guidance and counselling concerning sexual
issues should be involved in curriculum so as to be taught in classroom as a
subject for all students in secondary schools.
5.0 Introduction
chapter deals with summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendations, it
examines the factors of early marriage among secondary schools students in
Mtwara rural district.
5.1 Summary
study was about the Factors influencing early marriage among secondary schools
students. A case study of Mtwara rural district. The research objectives
were,To examine causes contributing to early marriage among secondary school
students, to analyze effects of early marriage among secondary school students
and to explore solutions to early marriage among secondary school students.
5.2. Conclusion
the basis of the findings the researcher concluded that, the early marriage for
students in secondary schools in Mtwara rural district was revealed to be an
existing problem in which all the respondents agreed from it. This problem of
students‘ early marriage in secondary school has also the core course of poor
performance of form four final examinations in secondary school in Mtwara rural
5.3 Recommendations
researcher recommends that, the government, education officers, community,
NGO‘s and other stake holders of education should take care on the following
measures in order to check the control on the factors contributing on the
secondary school girls early marriage so as to stop and prohibit early marriage
practices among secondary schools Students within the region and the nation at
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My name is BINKIWA KALIWANJE MUSSA, a second year
student at Stella Maris University College (A constituent college of St.
Augustine of Tanzania) Pursuing Bachelor of Arts with Education (BAED),
current, I am conducting research on the the factors influencing early marriage
among secondary school students‖. Particularly Mtwara rural district. The
information gathered will be used for academic purposes only and not otherwise.
A: Preliminary Information
i. Name of school………………………………………………………
ii. Region……………………………Municipal……………………….
Ward………………………… Date……………………..
iii. Sex: Male ( ) Female ( ) Tick one
iv. Work experience 0-5 ( ), 6-10 ( ), 10-15 ( ),
16-25 ( ), 26-60 ( ) tick one
B: Questions about the Study
1.a) Are there cases of early marriage to students
in your school?
Yes ( ) No ( ) Tick one
1b) Give reasons to your answer in 1a) above
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