Industrial policy


Industrial policy is “any type of selective intervention or government policy that attempts

to alter the structure of production toward sectors that are expected to offer better prospects for economic growth than would occur in the absence of such intervention.” according to Pack and Saggi ).

Tanzania will need to transform its economy with aim of increase value addition in its export basket tap into grobal value and provide citizen better life.

The following are some objectives industrial policy in Tanzania

1.To promote  international trade  competition environment through improvement of industrial infrastructure supported by efficient physical facilities and institutional back up ,and to promote internationally competitive industries and enterprises to make up the industrial sector the real engine of economic growth.

2. To transform Tanzania into the middle income through expansion and extension of existing development corridors and the creation of an export-import platform.

3. To provide growth opportunities for all growth-oriented Micro, Small and Medium scale

enterprises and entrepreneurs through provision of attentive supporting measures responding to all development stages so as to up-grade

4. To promote rural industrialization through an agriculture-development led industrialization strategy, support for successful implementation of Kilimo Kwanza and focus on equitable regional growth.

Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." The following are some of sustainable goals made in 2010-2030

Ensure healthy lives and wellbeing to all ages: Poor health’s services was main global challenge which face human being and affect direct the development because development depended on the physical fitness of a person. Health coverage remains a major global challenge. They need to ensure better improvement health services developing countries, where HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and many other diseases, still continue to kill millions of people each year.

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality of education: Industrial bases on the aspect of education on ensuring all girls and boys complete free and equitable quality of primary and secondary education, Women and men get technical, vocational and tertiary education, to eliminate gender equality

Build infrastructure and promote sustainable industrialization and innovation: Industrial sector make a target on development of infrastructure like roads ,increase resource use efficiently, enhance scientific research, promote industrial development so as to increase employment opportunity and gross domestic product (GDP)

To discourage inequality within and outside the country through: Empower and promote social, economic and political inclusion to all member of the society, control fiscal, wage and social protection policies .

To end poverty in all its forms everywhere: To ensure effective utilization of resources, to ensure environmental conservation in order to overcome from the effect of climatic change.

Relevance of industrial policy to sustainable development in Tanzania

1. Improvement of infrastructure like roads, try over in Dar es salaam, construction of bridges, ports and airport in areas like Mtwara, Tabora, Njombe the program of improving infrastructure were in progress

2. Provision of free education to boys and girls from standard One to seven during 2005 to 2015 during Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete and free education from primary to secondary schools in the 2015 towards 2025 under president John Pombe Magufuli.

3. Establishment of health services and provision of medicine in government hospital this tend to improve safe environment because people are assure for the treatment. For example there are some health center established for example Ihongole hospital in Mufindi district in Iringa.

4. Establishment of strategies so as to control poverty for example provision of loans to different groups in the society for the aim to assist the society to get income for running different economic activities like agriculture and trade in Tanzania in both rural and urban areas













Developed Countries are the countries which are developed in terms of economy and industrialization. Also known as Advanced countries or the first world countries, as they are self-wsufficient is characterised by  high standard of living, high gross domestic product (GDP), high child welfare, health services, good infrastructure, communication and educational facilities, better housing and living conditions, industrial, infrastructural and technological advancement, higher per capita income, increase in life expectancy. These countries generate more revenue from the industrial sector as compared to service sector as they are having a post-industrial sector: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United States. (Zakina J 2014)

Developing countries are those countries which undergo  low levels of development along with low per capita income. Also called third world countries, lower developed countries.

Developing Countries mainly depend on loans and grants from Developed Countries, to support them in establishing industries across the country. It is characterised by poor healthy and safe environment to live, low Gross Domestic Product, high illiteracy rate, poor educational, transportation, communication and medical facilities, unsustainable government debt, unequal distribution of income, high death rate and birth rate, malnutrition both to mother and infant which case high infant mortality rate, poor living conditions, high level of unemployment and poverty. Example of developing countries are Kenya, Tanzania, Colombia, India, Turkey.

The following are the major differences between developed countries and developing countries

Developed Countries have good infrastructure and a better environment in terms of health and safety which facilitate effective transpot which lead to development of trade, industies and agriculture, while in developing countries there are inadequate infrastructure which less qualified hence discourage production activities.

The countries which are independent and prosperous are known as Developed Countries. The countries which are facing the beginning of industrialization are called Developing Countries.

Developed Countries have a high per capita income and GDP due to fact the government having a wide range for collection of revenue from various sector like agriculture, industry and transportation while Developing Countries is low due to low level revenue collection.

In Developed Countries the literacy rate is high: Due to fact that there is advanced schools, colleges and Universities for effective provision of education to all people in their countrie but in Developing Countries illiteracy rate is high due to serious shortage of schools in mostly in rural areas

Developed Countries generate revenue high income because national income depend from industrial sector like iron and coal industry in German While Developing Countries generate low revenue because depend from service sector like tax from employees like doctor, teachers and from transportation which contribute a small income

In developed countries, there is high standard of living of people, due availability of high per capita income individual level while developing countries the living standard of people is low due to availability of low per capita income

Resources are effectively and efficiently utilized in developed countries due to availability of advanced technology and capital which assist them to utilize well resources available While in developing countries there is an improper utilization of resources because of poor technology and shortage of capital.

In developed countries, the birth rate and death rate are low due to availability of good social services like hospitals, water services and basic needs while developing countries birth rate and death rates are high due poor provision of social services like hospital, water services and poor family planning.

In conclusion developing countries its development mainly depend from developed countries through provision of grants and loans with hard condition like allow privatization and free which make a way for neo colonization this make developing countries to be dependent totally.











A b c "Composition of macro geographical (continental) region"(2010) United Nation s

 Korotayev A, Zinkina J (2014). "On the structure of the present-day convergence". Campus-Wide Information Systems.

 O'Sullivan A, Sheffrin SM (2003). Economics: Principles in Action. Upper Saddle River.

Pack, Howard, and Kamal Saggi (2007). “The Case for Industrial Policy: A Critical Survey.”World Bank Research Observer,


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