Historical Background Of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA)



The success and final outcome of this report required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people and I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of my report. All I have done is only due to such supervision and assistance and I would not forget to thank them. My grateful thank should go to the Regional managerat Tanzania Revenue Authority, Ilala Region for including and allocating me among the few students who were given the chance to undertake our field work training at TRA Buguruni Tax Service Center (Ilala) and giving us all support and guidance which made me complete the report duty. I am extremely thankful to Mr.IssaSheiza (In charge of Non Tax Revenue Unit) for providing such a nice support and guidance,although he had busy schedule managing the organization affairs. I would also like to extend my sincere esteems to all staffs at TRA Buguruni Tax Service Center (Ilala) for their timely support. Special thanks to my mother Mrs. Maria Alex Kombaand my beloved father Mr. Abel Mhagamaand all my relatives, friends, and those who in one way or another shared their support either morally, financially and physically. Thank you. Above all, Thanks to the Great Almighty. The author of knowledge and wisdom for his countless love.











Practical training program was designed purposely to transform the student knowledge generated from their relevant courses studied in the class to the daily operations of different institutions in the field of their studies. This is an attempt to know how the theories can be applied to practical situation. This is for the intention of making the student fit in the market by being familiar with what is needed in the Labour market and its relevance with what they are studying. As a student of Diploma in Business Administration, it is part of study for everyone to undergo field work training at some good institute or organization. So for this purpose, I got the opportunity of undertaking field work training at Tanzania Revenue Authority at Buguruni Tax Service Centre. This report is the product of six weeks period at TRA Buguruni as a student trainee. This field report will explain in detail on much of the work that has done during the field work training as well as the acquired knowledge and competencies. The report covers the whole period of my practical training exploring things which were prevailing at my place of attachments in relation to the aim of the program. This field reportconsists of three(3) chapters and every chapter tends to have its component shortlisted in the table of content.Chapter one is all about nature of organization(TRA) in general, its background, organization structure, and number of employees, customers, level of technology, activities and strategic direction.

Second chapter explain different specific activities performed within area of placement, working environment, level of interest and degree of meeting demand in task performed, problem faced in pursuing the task with respective solutions and recommendation, expectation before going to the training, new things learned, gaps between theory and practice, employment prospects and relevance of the attachment. The last chapter is about conclusion and recommendation concerning improving the gap between teaching theory and the placement process.






I DICKSON ABEL MHAGAMA, declare that, except where references are made, this report is a result of my own effort and initiative which have been planned, organized and presented without plagiarism and it has never been submitted in any other institution for an award or others.

--------------------------------                          -----------------------

Student Signature                            Date

















CP4-Fourth Corporate Plan

CP5- Firth Corporate Plan

DRD-Domestic Revenue collection

GDP- Gross Domestic Product

ISO- International Organization for Standardization

ITAX-Integrated Tax System

PT-Practical Training

TIN-Taxpayer Identification Number

TRA-Tanzania Revenue Authority

VAT-Value Added Tax
















1.0: Nature of the Organization. 1

1.1: Historical Background Of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) 1

1.2: Major Tra Product/ Services. 2

1.3: Organization Structure. 3

1.4: Number of Employees. 4

1.5: Level of Technology. 4

1.6: Tra Customers. 4

1.7: Strategic Direction. 5


2.0:  Activities Performed. 6

2.1:  Placement in the Organization. 6

2.2:  Task and Duties Performed. 6

2.2.1 Physical survey analysis. 6

2.2.2 Registry activity (Filling tax position) 6

2.2.3 Assessment of taxpayer 6

2.2.4 Checking of the amount paid by taxpayer and its debit number 7

2.2.5 Checking of VAT return of the taxpayers. 7

2.3 Work Environment 7

2.4 Level of Interest in Task Performed. 7

2.5measuring Demand of the Assigned Duties. 8

2.6 Problems Face in Executing Tasks. 8

2.6.1 Access to the system... 8

2.6.2 Education to the taxpayers. 8

2.6.3 Inadequate of office furniture. 9

2.6.4 Power break down. 9

2.7 Solution and Recommendation to The Problem... 9

2.8 Expectation Before Going To the Training. 9

2.9 New Things Learnt 10

2.10 In Teaching between Theory And Practice Gaps. 10

2.11 Employment Prospects. 11

2.12 Relevance of Attachment 11


3.0 Conclusion. 12

3.1: Recommendation Concerning Improving Gap In Teaching. 12

3.2:  Recommendation Concerning Handling Gaps In Placement Process. 13

















1.0: Nature of the Organization

Over the last 17 years Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has matured from tax administration that provide tax type services for revenue collection to an efficient organization that delivers one stop shop service for all type of taxes which has steered service delivered to the level of ISO 900:2008 certificate for the organization. Fourth Corporate Plan is attributed to changes in TRA’S operating environment which include the level of sophistication of shareholders, the desire to offer services to meet or exceed customer expectations and the government’s need to be more self-reliant by increasing domestic revenue mobilization to eventual reduction in aid dependency in the government budget. TRA implementing the Fourth Corporate Plan whose vision is to increase revenue to GDP ratio to 19.9% by 2018. The Plan has been developed using four balanced score card perspective of Financial, Customer, Internal processes and Learning and Innovation whereby strategic objective have been aligned under each perspective with cause and effect linkages. The perspective and their respective strategic objectives have been grouped into the Strategic Themes of Convenience, Compliance and Continual improvement to shape the TRA strategic thinking for next five years.

1.1: Historical Background Of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA)

The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established by act of parliament NO.1995 and started its operation on 1/07/1996. In caring out its statutory function, TRA is regulated by law and it is responsible for administering impartially various taxes of the Central Government. The authority which administers a number of taxes is under the general supervision of Board of Director.

During 1996/1997, the Government fiscal policy was set to enhance revenue collection and improve expenditure control measure aiming at restraining the fiscal deficit. On the revenue side the measures that were implemented include the strengthening of tax administration through establishment of the TRA. The TRA is a government agency of Tanzania charged with the responsibility of managing the assessment, collection and accounting for all central Government revenue. It’s semi-autonomous body that operates in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs under the general supervision of Ministry of Finance. Offices of TRA are located in throughout the regions of Tanzania with its headquarters in soloing drive at Dar es Salaam hence also being present in Zanzibar. The motto of TRA is “together we build our nation”.

1.2: Major Tra Product/ Services

TRA as semi-autonomous agency of government, it offers different kind of services to the taxpayers. These includeRegistration, Tax assessment, Tax audit, Permit and license, Tax education, Provision of statistical data and training.

. Registration

TRA offers services to the taxpayer in online registration for TIN, Registration for VAT, Registration for payment, motor vehicle registration and in register artist product. TRA register customers for ease of collect tax in difference areas in the country.


In TRA there is department dealing with education programmed with the objective of enhancing the level of tax awareness to the taxpayers.


TRA make assessment of tax as determined in each respective tax law.TRA has issued calendar to remind taxpayers/ stakeholders on the due date to pay tax  return (tax return usually paid on March, June, September and December). This calendar helps taxpayers in planning their tax affairs.


TRA, permit operation of business in the country by provide the licenses of the business to the customers/clients

1.3: Organization Structure.

1.4: Number of Employees

TRA has got the total number of 3600+ staffs throughout Tanzania. Each region in Tanzania has got a TRA branch as top enhance effective de-centralized revenue collection with employees. For the BUGURUNI DISTRICT were I pursued my PT, According to Mr.PETER the number of employees is FIVE (5).

1.5: Level of Technology

At TRA the level of technology is more advanced compare to the other governmental authority.TRA shall serve taxpayers according to the following standard.

Registration of taxpayers


TIN registration shall be provided after accomplishment of all requirements whereby it require for the new client to have National ID or number in order to register to the system and TIN can be provided on the spot after finish all steps or client can be sent TIN through message it depend on the system.


VAT registration shall be provided after fulfillment of all requirements whereby in Region, within one working day from the date of receipt of application also in District within ten working days from the date of receipt of application.

Motor vehicle registration

Registration shall be done within two working days from the date of receipt of the application after fulfilling all requirements

1.6: Tra Customers

TRA interact with different people and institution that have interest and stake in the operation of the Authority.

TRA customers are those registered and non-registered taxpayers who need service from TRA.

.Employees and Employers

.Company and Partnership

1.7: Strategic Direction

According to TRA Fourth Corporate Plan, in implementation of fourth Corporate Plan (2013/2014, 2017/2018) which has to be convenience, compliance, and continual improvement TRA aims at strengthening its operational efficiency and boost customer services in order to improve revenue collection. To achieve this objective, TRA is guided by:-(TRA, 2013) VISION The vision for the fourth corporate plan is to be ‘’To increase revenue to GDP ratio to 19.9% by 2018’’ The Authority will achieve this through improvement effort which will focus on training, technology enhancement, customer services and enforcement programs. MISSION. The Mission statement summarizes TRA’S role and how customer’s expectation will be met. TRA’S mission statement is ‘’To make it easy to pay tax and live better’’.












2.0:  Activities Performed

2.1:  Placement in the Organization

The PT took place at TRA BUGURUNI which is particularly containing only one department known as DOMESTIC REVENUE DEPARTMENT(DRD). Various tasks and duties were performed in this line as part of attachment training.

2.2:  Task and Duties Performed

During my practical training at TRA, my internal supervisor assigned different duties and task to perform. Those task and duties are

2.2.1 Physical survey analysis

I pursued to visit different place during my PT whereby I visited Block A,B,C&D for the purpose of analyzing different information for taxpayers like their amount being assessed for the year of income and sales per day in order to determine on whether the coming tax liability will increase or not and also to determine on whether the taxpayers has reach the stage of using EFD machine for those they do not have.

2.2.2 Registry activity (Filling tax position)

I achieved to prepare tax position report for the different taxpayers for the aim of knowing the taxpayer which are active and dormant by looking on their payment of tax liability and also to know those who have close their business due to different reasons.

2.2.3 Assessment of taxpayer

The taxpayer has to be assessed for the purpose of ensuring that proper and require tax liability is paid.The recommendation here is to check the taxpayer identification number, two passport, application form and the required attachment and also form of interview where by tax payer will be asked different questions like amount spent per day at home for, tax liability increase due to high money circulation of taxpayers.

2.2.4 Checking of the amount paid by taxpayer and its debit number

All the taxpayers are required to pay tax liability assessed for the year of income and it’s usually paid in four installments(on March June, September, December). For the third installment I issued control number for the payment of tax liability by checking the amount required to be paid by the taxpayers and its debit number.

2.2.5 Checking of VAT return of the taxpayers

The status of the taxpayer is checked whether the taxpayer is active or dormant and for how long, this goes together with checking on when was the last for the return to be made. This task is done by using ITAX

2.3 Work Environment

The working environment at TRA is inspiring, motivating and easy to adopt. Also the overall experience I receive from TRA is that work is done as team work whereby absence of one member it leads to deals to a gap in per suing the task (physical survey analysis was done as a team work) and few of works are done individually like TIN registration and open of taxpayer files. Also for the problem I faced during performing the task I had to ask for the help from the staff members apart from the absence of staff members.

2.4 Level of Interest in Task Performed

Duties performed were interesting and enjoyable whereby they provided me with a chance to know the next side of practical after becoming competent to some accounting theories. All task performed during my PT demand both practical and theoretical knowledge acquired on class or skill learnt in the field(filling of tax position report and TIN registration)

   The accumulation of knowledge learnt at University was the right time because it was the time I learned on how to calculate tax liability and interest whereby I did it without any problem. Through acquisition of new practical insights, it equipped me with more capacity in utilization of analytical skills and problems solving skills, creativity and confidence

2.5measuring Demand of the Assigned Duties

Although most of the duties performed were on routine basis (like TIN registration) which increase the efficiency and effectiveness of carrying them, some of them were challenging and require more experience and practice. For example of the challenging task was when the client has forgot TIN it require to check it through ITAX and it require an authority from the account user.

I tried my level best to meet demand of the given duties, for example by doing the task with trustfulness,carefulness, great accuracy and by finishing the assigned duties on time. At the first was not easy but I coped with the working environment and become familiar to the organization normal practice and procedures, the performance increased and higher degree of meeting the demand of the assigned duties was achieved. The collective demand of all tasks tends to prepare experienced, trustworthy and creative performer in the accounting realm.

2.6 Problems Face in Executing Tasks

Generally there were no major problems in executing the assigned tasks while carrying my PT at TRA-IGUNGA, because the organization is composed of specialized person which are more adequate. Apart from the skilled and adequate employee the organization is facing the problems,

2.6.1 Access to the system

Some of the system used for different duties/activity (like tracing TIN to those who have forgotten their number and also keeping records of taxpayer in the ITAX) require password and also only authorized person is required to login.

2.6.2 Education to the taxpayers

Most of the taxpayers have no ideas to some issues concerning to tax (penalty for delay paying tax on due date and also some procedure to follow on weather taxpayer wants to close the business or unable to pay tax on the required date).

2.6.3 Inadequate of office furniture

Furniture at the office (table, chair and computer) were not enough to all people which leads to delay of the assigned duties

2.6.4 Power break down

Most of the work cannot be per sued when power went off since some of works are performed through computer(TIN registration, issuing control number for propertytax, payment of installments and issuing tax clearance).

2.7 Solution and Recommendation to The Problem

Education should be provided to the taxpayers in order they know how things at TRA goes, furniture should be added to the in order to reduce idle time during working hours and organization should generator in order to reduce problem of power break down and increase work efficiencies of the workers also organization should provide identification card to the students who goes for PT in order to reduce problem at the time of physical survey analysis to the taxpayers at their business.

2.8 Expectation Before Going Tothe Training.

My thought was that, PT would provide all exposure to opportunity that would lead to accounting carrier development. Most of the expectation to the training were met and not met.

  Among of the expectation I have are as follows

i.            Applying my accounting skill (calculation of installment and interest) into practice and acquire new knowledge.

ii.            I also expect to find a great degree of confidentiality in accounting field and that is exactly what found and demanded to follow as the basic rule of accounting.

iii.            To understand more the about labor market especially to analyze my strength and weakness.

iv.            To work with expert accountant and other professional staff and gain valuable insight from them.

v.            To make new friend from different university, background and education level.

2.9 New Things Learnt

Being at TRA-IGUNGA for eight week has been of advantage as I learned and acquired new ideas and techniques in professional and personal life in general. I learned on how to register TIN to taxpayers, preparation of tax position, registry activity, how to make assessment to taxpayers, the role of privacy and secrecy of the organization information and also key success  factor like trustworthy and hard working.

 I also learned how people work together as a team despite of their difference and how this working relationship influences the performance of the organization. Mostly important, I learned how to live and work with different people with different attitudes and vision.

I learned on how to communicate with different customers because most of the taxpayers were asking different questions.

2.10 In Teaching between Theory And Practice Gaps

During my PT it’s time for discovering a gap between theory and practice. Theory is usually provided in order to build the way for practice to undertake because you cannot practice something without the theoretical aspects and also theory cannot cover all what is needed at the market.

 During my PT at IGUNGA there were gaps exists between theory and practice such as

Computer knowledge, the computer course which is provided at University is more theoretical which cannot meet the demand of the labor market especially in software like ITAX which is used to keep records of the taxpayers.

The knowledge received from lecture is general of what is in the real world.Only basic knowledge and principle are provided.This make the first day in real world though and force the student to start learning and incorporate the new incoming ideas and knowledge and since no two organization are similar, the lecture fail to fully prepare the student for specific organization by only provide them with the new one.

In other area, there were no gap between theory and practice as I receive the instruction on what is to be done from my supervisor. The senior provide information,instruction, regulation and other things to follow in working place that brought me up to date with the assignment and it helped in reducing the gap between theory and practice.

2.11 Employment Prospects.

I will not lose any employment opportunity which will be offered by the organization soon after I graduate. The firm has good working environment and encouragement teamwork and potential to professional growth. All these make TRA the target for any reasonable person seeking a reputable and properly employment.

 During my stay at TRA, I did my level best through hardworking, trustworthiness,discipline and creative to make sure I stand in a good position to be employed in this organization.

 For all that, my internal supervisor was impressed with my energy of hard working and abilities and recommend that I should apply in case of vacancies.The firm recruit graduate each year and give them a training contract that I prefer for my carrier development .I will not be more than happy to work with TRA.

2.12 Relevance of Attachment

The field attachment was relevant to me in obtaining training and valuable experience in real life situation and acting responsibly as real employee and observing the code of conduct bearing in mind the practical training objectives.It helped to integrate theory received from lecture and practice, develops habit of critical thinking and exposed to managerial decisions through cooperation received from TRA staff team.

The practical training also helped to receive new ideas, analytical skill,creativity,problem solving skills, practicing organizational culture behavior like punctuality,discipline,dressing code and accountability.It enable me to acquire new knowledge in work place, whereby it is not possible to acquire all of required knowledge in the class, therefore the PT has filled the gap that were not possible to be filled in lecture.





3.0 Conclusion

The TANZANIA REVENUE AUTHORITY is a government agency of Tanzania, charged with the responsibility of managing the assessment,collection and accounting of all central government revenue. It is semi-autonomous body that operates with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.

As far as PT is concerning, its main purpose of being established is to give an opportunity for student to be able to integrate theory with practice. During the stay at TRA I realized this, which not added a new insight on my study career but concerning those theories already existing. Also, have learned to behave professionally that is deliver services in accordance with TRA policies and relevant technical and professional standards, respect the confidentiality and privacyofclients,people and others with whom the firm does business.

In addition to that, PT opens up employment opportunity for the students since the same organization might call back the student after graduation. This is because practical training widens the knowledge and exposes the student in real practical world.

Furthermore, my practical training at TRA enhanced my knowledge in business and technology.It improves my skills,knowledge, life experience, confidence, and life experience.

3.1: Recommendation Concerning Improving Gap In Teaching.

I order to narrow the gaps in teaching I suggest the following consideration to be revised

Additional necessary effort to ensure student are competent information technology. There should be more practical training session program in computer programs. On my suggestion it will enhance efficiency use and quick adaptation to technological developments taking place in the organizations.

√ The practical training  should be added rather than theoretical aspects when teaching, for example student are taught business terminologies and instruments like cheque, letter of credit and bill of exchange and how they are used. This will make them efficient when they are employed because most of this are common in business organization.

√ The PT should be improved by ensuring that the students are placed in the specific department in the organization regarding the field of study of the student. Time for practical training should be extended say to ten (10) weeks; this will at least give student enough time to work in the organization to get more experience.

3.2:  Recommendation Concerning Handling Gaps In Placement Process.

In order to handle gaps in placement process I suggest the following consideration to be revised

√ The placement process should be done earlier to ensure that at mid of the second semester each student is properly placed.

√The faculty should contact different organization to know if and how many placements are they going to offer. This will improve the placement process and reduce the task of going around looking for the placement to the student.

√ Student should be given assignment to go and obtain information on how the organization operate, accounting package used this will help students to acquire more knowledge.

√ Also student should go frequently for study tour in various organizations and industries; this will enable them to see how practically managers in several departments are performing their managerial work.

√Organization should cooperate fully with the student to ensure the students are assigned tasks to reflect their field of study.








UDBS field attachment report format and guide 2019

The united Republic of Tanzania (2004) Income Tax Act (2004)                                       

TRA website- WWW.tra.go.tz

Mpongoliana R.G (2005) The Theory and Practice of Taxation in Tanzania, NBAA.


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