Dependency theory


Dependency theory means an approach to understand economic underdevelopment that emphasize the putative constraints imposed by a global political and economic order. Walter Rodney during 1917 proposed dependency theory for the purpose of improving socially, economically and politically development of the third world countries like Tanzania, the main aim of the theory was to reduce poverty and to solve problem which faced third world countries, also this aimed to attempt to explain the present underdevelopment of main state in the world by considering the pattern of interaction among the nation. By considering above explanation the following are the significance of dependency theory to Tanzania society;

Tanzania reduce foreign aids from outside, as we see that Tanzania depends much on foreign aids especially for the developed countries like China and United State of America, this situation influences our country to have high amount of money to returning dept. from outside something which influence bad economic condition in Tanzania, so the presence of dependency theory help our country to escape in such for depending foreign aids.

Expansion of market, due to support from outside Tanzania expands her market by searching area for market, this provided due to presence of trade and agricultural production, like cash crops example, cotton, tea and sisal contributed so much on marketing growth as a resuts of economic development in Tanzania, but this provided through the theory of dependency as a way Tanzania develop in socially, politically and economically.

Dependency theory lead to the development of industries, an industry become changes after a new idea of dependence, before this idea Tanzania were not develop because of high dependence from developed countries were by all good which found in our country become an advantage to developed countries, but the theory makes Tanzania to depend itself were by production of all goods or raw materials placed in our industries something which lead development.

Dependency theory help to reduce the problem of bad leadership to Tanzanian, as the fact that dependency theory explain that the leaders of African have the tendency of selfishness, exploitation of the public resources for their benefit and puppet leaders, the situation influence underdevelopment of the country and poverty to the citizens, through dependency theory people educates on how to fighting against those bad leaders as a result of development.

Dependency theory stimulate living standards of people, this improves living condition to the people through providing ideas about development issues, for example, the use of agricultural method in agricultural activities, also how different sector can improve like mining, and agriculture sectors, because this sector provide job opportunities to the people and also stimulate their life.

Dependency theory maintain peace and security in the country, as we see that any country which depends much on outside or developed countries like china lacked peace and security because the country is under control of strong nation in case of social political and economic development, but due to dependency theory in our country it become peace and security to all people because the theory teaches us to depend in ourselves in each and every thing, so this brings importance to Tanzania citizens.

Improves democracy in Tanzania, the relationship between Tanzania and other country help the country to improve democracy, where by the country like French makes relation with Tanzania and were introduce democracy which exist to their country and boast the development also Tanzania society adapted.

In generally, dependency theory although create benefits to Tanzania society but also lead underdevelopment to the third world countries where by high amount of dept  and result into colonialism. Dependency theory lead to hinder development and the best way to improve the country is that the country should stand alone to insure that the country creates great economic grow.


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