It's true that agriculture is a change agent in Tanzania development due to the following reasons;
world agriculture comes from the Latin word "Agricultural" or " growing" which mean human activities , certain species af ant, termite and beetle have been cultivating crops.
Agriculture is the practice of cultivating plants and live stock Example: goat's, pig, ships as well as Maize, Rice, cassa va and Agriculture is the key development in the rise of sedmentary civilization where by farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that enabled people to live in cities.
So , Agriculture is the science and art of cultivating crops and reforming livestock due to the fact that involves experimentation analysis control of pest and diseases, farm machinery and structure as well as livestock breading.
Agriculture categorized into two major types small scale agriculture which cover small area and large scale agriculture which cover large area.
The societies that have low income engage in agricultural transition to become more advanced society because the agricultural transformation based on intensification ( The adoption of improved seed and other modern inputs).
In (2008) The government was introduce the policy of " kilimo kwamza" under J.K.NYERERE for the aim of emphasizes the private sector which support the development of commercial farming and the southern Agricultural Growth and corridor of Tanzania(SAGCOT), this is for the intention of attracting private investments in agriculture and public investments infrastructure to specific geographic clasters.(United Republic of Tanzania, 2016).
A brief overview of the history of
agriculture in Tanzania will help to place this analysis in context in the 1950s was characterized by a robust system of peasant agriculture (Bryceson, 1988).
However in the two decades after Tanzania gained independence in 1961, agricultural production was altimately stagnant and unstable because the agricultural food systems was characterized by the state controlled inputs and outputs markets and plan territorial crop price that brought low price for farmers in 1983, the ujamaa villagization.But now days Agriculture remains important in Tanzania employing a large majority of the labour force and accounting for one- quarter of gross domesto product (Benson et Al 2017).
Main body
It's true that agriculture is a change agent in Tanzania development due to the following reasons;
Agriculture stimulate the .improvements of industries; raw materials that are useful in industries are the product of agriculture example clothing industry, Example farmers produce cotton that can be used to produce clothes in industry also palm oil that can be used to produce oil in industry so no agriculture no industry.
. Agriculture is a source for employment opportunity to both people; various people were employed in agricultural sectors both skilled and non skilled and through that they can get salary.
.Agriculture led to the development of science and technology; This is due to when farmers need make their activities into higher standard need to innovate new plans and implement it .
Agriculture cause the improvements of financial institutions like bank's, and microfinance , institution, this is due to the profits earning from client who they take loans to run their agricultural sectors and those who will use bank to presave their money after sell their products.
Agriculture is the source of food supply, Examples in Tanzania different farmers engage in the agriculture to produce food depend to the particular place foristance Mbeya region produce Banana, Rice, Beans, yams, and maize that are supposed to different region.
. Agriculture led to the development of town and cities ; due to the presence and expansion of markets known as farmers markets foristance in Mbeya region some areas expand due to the presence of banana markets that attract other investors to establish other business.
Agriculture increase government revenue ; This is due to the provision of rents that acquired from agriculture production like cash crops.
Therefore ; Agricultural sector in Tanzania is a core sector that help to bring better economy which provides the basis ingredients to mankind and non raw materials industrialization also can be only source to reach to 2025 vision of development in Tanzania and the purpose of the vision is to make Tanzania enter into economic competitive.
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