
 Email is a electronic mail service where an internet user sends and receives electronic letters (mails). There are several web portals such as Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail which supports the email service. Besides text, messages in email can be also in the form of video, audio and images. 

Today it is one of the most commonly used communication tools in the world. In fact it is known to move forward businesses in a positive approach. It is almost hard to find a workplace today, that doesn't rely on emails for its communication. The following are the advantage of email as a means of communication


 Apart from the cost of internet connections, email services are entirely free. Compared to most of other traditional method of communication such as postal, fax and telephone. The cost of sending an email is really low. You can send many emails as possible to unlimited people regardless of the document you are going to sen


Emails are extremely fast too. Just in a matter of seconds, emails can be sent and received by the recipients regardless of where they are present in the world. In fact there are no other services in the world that offers speed as it does on email. 


Means that email can be used as a storage medium where people will be able to save important files and documents. These informations can be accessed any part of the world anytime regardless of the country they are present in. Whether you are in the workplace, home or overseas you can go through the messages


In email application Emails also include an auto-responder facility. Auto-responders in essence means that automated emails with certain messages can be delivered back to the sender, if the recipients are busy. Most of these texts are prewritten and generalized.

Environment Friendly

Emails are completely an electronic service. Thus, they don't require any paper for functioning. A Paperless service means that there is no actual damages caused to the environment.


Internet Access

This occurs in an area where there is no service from the internet service provider therefore it is not possible to use an email service in this area since there is no internet access.

Virus Attacks

 Email can be one of source of virus. Especially viruses can reach out computers in the form of attachments and cause some serious damages to the system.

Information Overheads

This is due to some people may not provide proper attention to the emails received due to their busy schedule. If left unread for a long time, this could potentially cause information overheads. Hence, for avoiding this, users has to stay updated by regularly checking the email account.



Also this is one among of the limitation of using emails, Emails can also be easily misunderstood, if it is misinterpreted by the sender. This is especially true, if the sender sends the mail in a hurry. Therefore, before sending the mail, the user has to go through and ensure that the messages are well constructed.

Email lacks a personal touch. 

This means that While some things are better off sent as written and typed messages, some things should be verbally relayed or written by hand in a note or letter


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