

Guidance is the assistance made available by competent counselors to an individual of any age to help him direct his own life, develop his own point of view, make his own decisions, carry his own burdens". (Crow 2003).

Guidance involves personal help given by someone; it is designed to assist a person to decide where he wants to go, what he wants to do or how he can best accomplish his purpose; it assists him to solve problems that arise in his life",( Jones 1994).

Counseling is a learning oriented process carried out in a social environment in which the professionally competent counselor attempts to assist the counselee using appropriate procedures to become a happy and productive member of the society by formulating realistic and purposeful goals for total personal growth, (Rogers, 1942).


For successful execution process of guidance the following are the principles if guidance as follows,

Guidance is for the total development of personality. Guidance should be related to student’s all round development. At times a student does not know as to what are abilities and what he wants to become? Guidance help him in discovering his hidden endowments in such a way that all aspects of personality develop to meet the varied needs of life, (Kinra 2008).

Guidance service is for everyone, the main principle of guidance service is that it is meant to everyone it s believed that an individual may come across problems at any stage in life and overcome them the needs guidance, (Kinra 2008).

Giving importance to individual differences, It is universally admitted that no two individuals are alike and even in twins we notice differences, According to this principle the individual variations are both hereditary and environment in nature. In the process of guidance much variations is needed, (Kinra 2008).

Study of an individual and it is evaluation; In order to carry out guidance programmme successfully it is necessary to supply accurate information to those running the programmme. This gives the guidance expert clear picture of the student’s achievements and progress at a glance.  This help the expert to use properly selected and recognized tests. These tests help the counselor to form data bank about an individual’s achievement interests, mental abilities etc. (Kinra 2008).

Guidance must be cooperative effort. A guidance has to perform various tests arrive at solution for individual problems, But the expert has rely on the availability of information from teachers, professors parents and administration, (Kinra 2008).

Guidance is the lifelong learning, is the continues process it is need can rise in different situations for individual problems with the increase in the pace of development and is needed for any age of life, (Kinra 2008).

Guidance is the integral part of total of education process, Guidance services and educational activities are related each other. Guidance is the same as direction but it helps the student in making suitable adjustments while receiving instruction and education as much as integral part of education (Kinra 2008).

  We can look   the guidance services from the following point of views as from (Kinra 2008)

From individual point of view

From education point of view

From social point of view

From the psychological point of view

From political point of view

Intelligence is the ability to adapt changed circumstance or capacity of  a individual consciously to adjust his thinking to new requirements.

The following are elements of intelligence (Kinra 2008)

The tendency to take or to maintain definite direction

The capacity to make adaptations for the purpose of attaining a desire.

Some of the techniques followed by the counselor are as follows (Kinra 2008)





Expression of feelings



Asking questions



Skills of counselor   by (Kinra 2008)

He interprets the information about individual problems

He enables counselee to solve his own problems

He listens to the problem attentively investigates it is causes then offers counsel on how to resolve it.

He defines awareness about problems which have been identified but not yet understood


Guidance and counseling help a counselor to understand person, it is essential to collect and analyze information on different facets of his life. This information guide a counselor can decide the type of guidance that might be given to that person, (Kinra 2008).

To make individual aware of his or her inherit potential, talents and capabilities. This ensures that guidance play a great role so as to discover the skills of an individual and hi capabilities to solve life challenges and dynamic that  surrounding human being. It adhere the way in which someone use brain to think and give advice to the client about the certain matter that he or she suffer, (Kinra 2008).

Guidance and counseling help the person to develop his or her ability interests and skills in a way that he can make useful contribution to the society according to his or her capacity, This ensure that through thinking skills guidance and counseling play a great role skills on how to tackle various social, economic, political also cultural issues around a client, (Kinra 2008).

Guidance and counseling assists a person in a balanced physical, mental and emotional and social development, This means that guidance and counseling plays a role of advising a client about a certain issue that he or she never know how to tackle and hence to overcomes such a problems so it act as a reactant that speed up mental development of an individual, (Kinra 2008).

Guidance and counseling make   a person aware of the available educational and vocational opportunities in keeping with his abilities, This means that guidance and counseling play a great role to an individual to know the  various opportunities that can help to him or her to be innovative and creative around the environment that surrounds him or her, (Kinra 2008).

Guidance and counseling help the person to make correct interpretation of the facts of the given situation, This means that guidance and counseling acts a  vehicle that give a compass to life dynamics and challenges hat need to be solved by a counselor and being appreciated by a counselee, (Kinra 2008).

Guidance and counseling help the person became capable of solving problems in changing social situation  such a way that he or she renders maximum go himself or herself as well as the society at large, This means that in life a human being encounters various problems that surrounds his or her life example a client may be betrayed, exploited, raped, poverty problem so after a client get the certain advice from the counselee it acts as vehicle to stimulate him to overcome such challenges, (Kinra 2008).

Acts as a vehicle to stimulate development within the society, That guidance and counseling acts a vehicle to give advise to client about how to  get development within the society or community. (Kinra 2008).

Encourage about society participation, This means that guidance and counseling make all individual of the society to be the counselor to a client that parents play great role to the or children’s so as they can live good life. (Kinra 2008)

Acts as a way to an individual to be creative and innovative, This means that it makes an individual to think beyond the realty of universe and after a client get the certain advice practically he or she starts to use his skills and wise became intelligent.


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