
Showing posts from January, 2020

Social planner

Social planner is a decision maker who attempts to achieve the best result for all parties involved in neclassical welfare economic this means the maximizing of social welfare planning is the process of planning socil services, program , services and policies   so planner gets a challenge   during the building community development so this are the challenge facing social planner in community   which are:-       Lack of manpower this is are one challenges that   facing the social planner needs to start activities in the village also need to be active who will assist him in work thus , due to the difficulties that befell them in the village the labor force was reduced so he will be able to find a workforce that will be able to support him in this work so he will not have the challenge finding another employee or his plan may fail      Lack of cooparation   forexample the planner neess to start somet...

The arusha declarations,

Introduction The arusha declarations, this was an idea of transforming Tanganyika into a socialism country. This idea was derived by Mwalimu Julius Kambarage   Nyerere during 1967.Also Nyerere declaring that Tanzania should develop along the principal of socialism and Self reliance.   The key of Arusha declaration as follows: A) Socialism,is a populist economic and political system based on public ownership also know as ownership of the means of the production those means including the machine,tools and factory used to produce goods to satisfy human needs.In Arusha declaration discussed about the adaptation of socialism because this period Tanzania under go changes after the Independence. so, needed to make some reforms and seem the socialism was a good policy in these reforms in Tanzania,Due to the following reasons:       .To fight against neo colonialism;This was a policy introduced in Tanzania and other countries granted Independence with...


INTRODUCTION Since the late 1919 century the study of African history has undergone radical changes. From about 1885 to the end of the Second World War most of Africa was under the yoke of colonialism and hence colonial historiography held sway. According to this Imperial historiography, Africa had no history and the African were a people without history. They propagated the image of Africa as a dark continent: Any historical process or movement in the continent was explained as the work of outsiders whether these are mythical hamates. THE COLONIALIST PERSPECTIVES ON AFRICAN HISTORY Ø   The structure of   African historiography had more to do with the beginning of the trans Atlantic slave trade than with African experiences ,African history should be per iodized in a such a way that the multiple fragments of her past especially culture, languages , religions, philosophies, music dance, warfare, architectures, farming, rituals, navigation , craft, and industries are tak...


                                              INTRODUCTION The   reformation , was a   16 th –century movement in western   Europe that aimed at reforming   some doctrines   and   practice of the Roman catholic church   and   resulted in the establishment   of the protestant   churches .There were many Christians in   western Europe who   believed that malpractices carried out by the church were not in keeping with what   they believed . Two examples of these practices were the sale of indulgences, or relief of punishment due to sins that have been committed, and the appointment to position of authority in the church to those who made contributions. In1517 martin Luther published 95 these, which c...

Dependency theory

Dependency theory is a theory that explain the situation in which the economy of certain countries is conditioned by the development and expansion of another economy to which the former is subjected. The relation of interdependence between two or more economies, and between these and world trade, assumes the form of dependence when some countries (the dominant ones) can expand and can be self-starting while other countries (the dependent ones) can do this only as reflection of that expansion which can have either a positive or a negative effect on their immediate development (Theotonio,1971). Thus, dependency   is the relationship between the dependents and the developed countries. It is a situation which conditions the ability of the underdeveloped to develop. It is limited by the expansion of capitalism. Its traditional form was imperialism or colonialism while its contemporary form happens to be Neo-colonialism, i.e., a state of dependency of the underdeveloped periphery (t...

The following are how dependency theory is relevant to the present society;

INTRODUCTION Dependency is the conditioning situation in which the economies of one group of countries are conditioned by development expansion of others. Dependency is a result of capitalism and internalization of the conflicts in the developing countries. Theory is a statement or group of statements established by reasoned or logical argument based on known facts intended to explain a particular event. Dependency Theory is the notion that resources flow from a ‘periphery’ of poor and underdeveloped states to a core of wealthy state, enriching the latter at the expense of the former. It is a central contention of dependency theory that poor states are impoverished and rich ones enriched by the way poor states are integrated into the world system. The theory arose as a   reaction to modernization theory, an earlier theory of development which held that all societies progress through   similar stages of development, that today’s underdeveloped areas are thus in a simi...

The Reformation, a 16th

INTRODUCTION The Reformation, a 16 th century religious and political challenge to papal authority promoted by Martin Luther, King Henry VIII and others, led to the Thirty Years War and the Counter-Reformation. The Protestant Reformation was a series of events that happened in the 16th century in the Christian Church. Because of corruption in the Catholic Church, some people saw and needed to change the way it worked. People like Erasmus, Huldrych Zwingli, Martin Luther and John Calvin saw the corruption, and tried to stop it. This led to a Schism (religion) split in the church, into Catholics and various Protestantism Protestant churches. Martin Luther was the first person to translate the Bible into German language German. He could print copies, because Johannes Gutenberg had invented a way to print copies about 50-100 at a relatively low price. The Protestant reformation triggered the Catholic Counter-Reformation. In general, Martin Luther's posting of the Ninety-Five T...

INTRODUCTION Oxford dictionary had defines African American as a person from America who is a member of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa. Therefore African American literature is a literature written by a person from America who is a member of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa.

               INTRODUCTION Oxford dictionary had defines African American as a person from America who is a member of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa. Therefore African American literature is a literature written by a person from America who is a member of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa. Gilyard, K., and A. Wardi defined African American literature as writings by people of African descent living in the United States of America. However, just as African American history and life is extremely varied, so too is African American literature. Nonetheless, African American literature has generally focused on themes of particular interest to Black people in the United States, such as the role of African Americans within the larger American society and what it means to be an American.  African American Literature explores the issues of freedom and equali...