Constitution is the main source of law yes true
because constitution is the mother of law at makes the structure of the state
organ article also constitution is a fundamental principles or established
precedents that constitution the legal basis of a polity organization or other
type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be govern but also
constitution is the basic principles and
law of a nation, state or social group that determine the powers and duties of
the government and quarantine certain right to the people it. Constitutional is very impotence
because it specify how the government will be constituted how will have power
of the government but also it protect the individual freedom because
constitutional is main source of law while penal code is a document that compiles all or
significant amount of a particular jurisdiction criminal law also criminal code
are generally supported legal system and for making the criminal law more
accessible to laypeople but not only are these the source of the law but there
are also other as follows.
Statute law this are document containing law where
by law are quantity statutes is divided by in two part first is principle
legislation, this is law that makes with parliament the main law reading
criminal offence in Tanzania penal code cape 16 R.E 2019 also secondly
subsidiary legislation this are the law laid by other authority than parliament
is all than make with all member this is the on source of law and statute both
refer to certain laws that have been
made and implementation in associate
for some land of discipline rules and regulations to be followed by a community
or society or nations as whole statute law is written laws originating from
municipalities states or national
legislaalation laws are written or un written guidelines or rules that are
followed by communities
Received law, this are the law that received from India
and England by the following law common law, astringe of equally and statues of
general application this law is where recognized in Tanganyika order in council
1920 this law allowed application England law in Tanzainia which where received
on 22/July/1920 this received law Tanzania is the ones of the sources of law
which to promote security in the court also received law are those law which
were received from outward of Tanzania the interpretations of laws act
CAD/R.E2002 example criminal procedure.
Customary law are those law which are based on the customs
and norms of a certain community in the involve different laws which are found
in community is the one source of laws in Tanzania which to promote behavior
through punishment in people when to go against to laws
International law this refer to the long and
convention signed by international state it means that there are rules
and principles from international law which are used in criminal law for for
stance Rome convention bad a statutes which provide various offence at international
level for instance genocide war crime,
crime against humanity also international law or convection this are the law
which are used at international wide example UN charter conversion of 1945 UN
charter on human right international
labour conversion.
Common law are those laws which are based on the custom
as of England this laws the customer of England applies mutinies (means the
same as copy paste)of those laws penal code civil procedure code also common
law is the source of laws in are country of Tanzania to promote good behaviour
Case law/precedent this refers to decision provided
by court that contain principle which bind lawyer courtly to be used as a basic
decision in future cases also case law this are decide cases from the higher court
which are used as reference to the lower court to administer disputes which
have similar scenario the same(material fact) example of the case used as
reference Juwana Vs Kiuta.
To sum up above are informational above how constitutions
the main source in Tanznania also there is some source explained above
Penal code
Constitution of United Republic Of Tanzania of 1977
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